Carrying a concealed weapon can be a great way to protect yourself and your family if the worst-case scenario ever occurred. However, it is also an important responsibility and you should make sure you understand how to stay safe while carrying a firearm. By taking advantage of your right to practice concealed carry, you are accepting the responsibility of acting with the utmost precaution and care. It is important that you ensure the safety of both yourself and those around you.
Here are a few simple tips for safer concealed carry:
Earn Your CCW Permit
Arizona is a constitutional carry state, which means that if you can legally own a gun and meet requirements for age, you can carry your weapon openly or concealed without a concealed carry weapon (CCW) permit. However, the state does issue permits and there are many reasons that you should consider getting your Arizona CCW.
One of these is the additional safety training you get by taking a CCW class. The process of earning your permit teaches you safety tips that you may not have learned otherwise. You will also learn about important state laws and regulations for carrying your firearm. The Hub’s CCW classes fulfill Arizona requirements to earn your permit and your certificate of completion acts as hard-copy proof of your knowledge of gun safety.
Concealed Carry Holster vs. Purse
Your two main choices for concealing your weapon are a holster or a purse. In most cases, we recommend a holster. This will wrap around your body and attach to your clothes, making them the best way to keep your gun on you safely at all times. Their shape is designed to specifically hold firearms while offering the weapon protection against debris. While a purse can be taken from you with your gun inside, it is more difficult for a criminal to gain access to your holster. We discuss this in our Get on Target podcast episode “Top CCW Questions Answered.”
It is essential that you have control of your gun at all times and that you can quickly and easily access it in case of an emergency. The best way to do this with a holster is to have the tip of the gun facing down and concealed inside the pocket of the holster. Many concealed carry holsters will conceal the gun trigger to prevent any unwanted access. When buying a holster, you should consider multiple options to find the best one for your needs. You can browse our selection of gun holsters online or visit us in store.
Don’t Fidget
When carrying a concealed weapon in public, it is best to make sure those around you are not aware of your weapon. By touching and fidgeting with your holster and gun, you are likely to alert strangers to the presence of your firearm. This can make the people around you uncomfortable and nervous. If you are not using your gun, you should keep it concealed and avoid drawing attention to it.
The Benefits of Concealed Carry
Carrying a concealed weapon can bring you a better sense of confidence in being able to protect yourself in a dangerous situation. However, you will be more successful in guaranteeing your safety and protecting those around you if you practice these safety tips.
CCW Classes and Holsters at The Hub
The Hub is your one-stop shop for guns, safety training, and firearm accessories. We offer Arizona CCW classes and a large selection of holsters so you can safely conceal your firearm.