Concealed carry can help ensure you are ready to defend yourself in the worst-case scenario. If you choose to carry, you should make sure you have the necessary skills and preparation to do so safely and effectively. This article includes some of the most common concealed carry mistakes that beginners make so you know what to avoid.
1. Drawing Attention To Your Weapon
When you first start to carry a concealed firearm, it may feel uncomfortable. This can lead you to draw attention to your weapon by fidgeting, walking unnaturally, adjusting its position, or moving your clothing.
Drawing attention to your weapon can be dangerous. It can also make others nervous and can cause uncomfortable situations that could be avoided.
To help avoid this, experiment at home to find the carry method/a> that works best for you. Take into account the style of clothing you wear and what feels most comfortable. Buying a high-quality holster also helps, which brings us to our next point.
2. Using a Low-Quality Holster
You likely put a lot of effort into choosing the right gun for your needs. Putting a similar level of care into choosing a holster is important. You’ll be using your holster every time you carry your weapon, so it needs to be comfortable, durable, and secure.
Depending on the type of gun you have, you may want to get a custom holster for that model. In any case, you should be sure that the holster keeps your gun firmly in place and protects the trigger.
3. Not Maintaining Your Gun
It’s important to clean your gun regularly so you can trust that it is ready to work if you need it. Ideally, you should do this after every time you use your gun. You should also check for damage regularly and if you notice any issues, take the weapon to a gunsmith right away.
4. Being Unaware of Gun Laws
You should know all relevant laws when it comes to carrying your firearm and using it in self-defense. Taking a concealed carry weapon (CCW) class can help with this. You may also want to look into getting concealed carry insurance to ensure you have access to a lawyer if you ever need one.
5. Not Getting the Proper Training
Since Arizona is a constitutional carry state, you don’t need any training to carry a concealed weapon. However, it can be helpful to take a permit class anyway. As we mentioned above, you will have the opportunity to learn about important gun laws. You can also take advantage of CCW reciprocity.
In addition to getting a CCW, there are other types of training you can pursue, from one-on-one lessons to group classes. No matter which option(s) you choose, it’s important to make sure you fully understand how to operate your gun. You should also train regularly at the range in addition to any classes you take and make sure your skills stay sharp.
Choose The Hub For Your Concealed Carry Needs
The Hub is your one-stop gun shop and we have everything you need for concealed carry. We offer CCW classes, firearms training, a physical range and a MILO virtual range at our Tucson location, and, of course, a large selection of handguns.